How to improve your event management sustainability
Developing a social media strategy can quickly become a time-consuming process requiring employees to sacrifice valuable time to devise and create relevant content on a regular basis. Therefore a key way to ensure maximum customer engagement with minimum sacrifice when developing a social media strategy is to engage with a marketing consultant.
5 ways to create meaningful social media engagement with your customers
Developing a social media strategy can quickly become a time-consuming process requiring employees to sacrifice valuable time to devise and create relevant content on a regular basis. Therefore a key way to ensure maximum customer engagement with minimum sacrifice when developing a social media strategy is to engage with a marketing consultant.
5 ways Minnac can help you maximise your conference experience
Investing in exhibiting at a scientific conference is an exciting opportunity as a vendor to build brand awareness and generate new leads. Figuring out all the event details can be a time-consuming and costly process – particularly when combined with the added pressure of maximising your return on investment.
The vital role of your website in your biotech start-up’s success
Is your biotech start-up’s growth hindered by its website?
This blog identifies five common reasons for underperformance and offers valuable advice on boosting website traffic and engagement. Learn how to optimise call to actions, ensure mobile responsiveness, enhance SEO, promote effectively, and consistently add fresh, relevant content for success.
6 things to consider when exhibiting at a conference
Attending a scientific conference as a commercial vendor is a fantastic opportunity to build brand awareness, engage with customers, and generate those all-important leads.
But attending a conference can be a complicated and time-consuming process, with lots of things that need to be considered following sign up to ensure you make the most of your conference experience and maximise your ROI. Click to read our guide on the key things to consider when organising your conference attendance.
Social media for a life science company: It’s crucial for business success
Are you undertaking social media for a life science company?
Social media should form a vital part of your social media strategy – it should underpin each of the marketing activities you undertake. There’s so much more to social media than what you might have read in the news headlines. There are so many features of social media that you can and should capitalise on.
Life science website development: 5 reasons to improve your website
Are you looking at creating a new website for your biotech start-up? Or are you looking at refreshing your website content to align with your altered business goals? Your website should be the front end to your company. Make sure your website isn’t falling short of where it needs to be for maximised website traffic.
Take a look at the available lead generation opportunities to make your virtual event stand out so delegates remember the webinar long after it’s finished.
Experiential marketing for the life sciences: your route to business success
It can seem harder than ever to gain your customers’ attention. Experiential marketing may be the solution you are looking for, but what is it? How can this new form of marketing help to drive sales-ready leads?
Experiential marketing is where brand experiences are used to gain competitive advantage, capture customer loyalty, and create communities.
Life science virtual events: 5 ways to ignite your event
Virtual events have really come into their own as a distinct event type over the last 12 months – and we’re passionate believers that virtual events are here to stay long after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Here, we’ll discuss how to create lead generation opportunities and to make your virtual event stand out, so that delegates will remember it long after the event has finished.
Life science webinars: 5 tips to stand out from your competitors
Webinars are a great tool for your life science company to showcase your products or services – ultimately generating sales-ready leads. In this article, take a look at our top tips to make sure your webinar broadcast stands out from your competitors.
Take a look at the available lead generation opportunities to make your virtual event stand out so delegates remember the webinar long after it’s finished.
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